Merten Morales , Doctoral Student at ETH Zurich
http://www.sust-chem.ethz.ch/people/current_members/moralemeBilateral Meetings
- 04.06.2015 Thursday (3:00 pm - 5:00 pm)
CHEM-G is a spin-off of the ETH Zurich, which is focusing on the establishing sustainable biorefineries into the market. Biorefineries are industrial plants, which are converting renewable resources (e.g. sugar beet, sugarcane or wood) into biofuels, bioplastic or bioelectricity. The main objective of the company is to deliver strategic and technical consulting to industry, politic and university for the production of CHEMicals, which are truly Green.
To be launched this year, the company's mission is to explore business opportunities for our customers, which are profitable and sustainable at the same time. With a highly motivated team located at the forefront of technological innovation at ETH Zurich, CHEM-G provides a decision-making tool and innovative consultancy to support our clients to entering effectively the new and promising market of the bioeconomy.
At the heart our company is the Wald-Box tool, a lightweight and portable mini-computer for the exploration of the most profitable and sustainable biorefinery concept for our clients. This advanced decision-making tool will support our clients in this early stage of conceptual exploration of their project, where 50-70% of the cost decision for the overall investments will be made. When a client does not have the in-house engineering competence to apply the Wald-Box our CHEM-G will provide directly the strategic consulting for them. Based on our consulting public institutions will be able to allocate public money more effectively, industrialist to increase their company`s revenue and scientist to do applied research which has a greater impact on society.
Country: Switzerland
Organization Type: University , Consultant
Email: merten.morales@chem.ethz.ch
City: Zurich ,Vladimir-Prelog-Weg 1 Google map