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Céline Vaneeckhaute at SeLow - Sustainable energy Low waste


Bilateral Meetings

  • 03.06.2015 Wednesday (2:30 pm - 5:00 pm)
  • 04.06.2015 Thursday (10:00 am - 2:00 pm)

SeLow is an environmental technology firm that provides high-quality consultancy and engineering at company, municipality, farm, and household level.

- Resource recovery
- Cradle-to-cradle recycling
- Waste treatment and reuse
- Water treatment and reuse
- Green energy production and recovery
- Nutrient recovery as renewable fertilizers
- Sustainable agriculture and fertilization advice
- Environmental process modelling
- Self-sufficiency sustainability (eco-building, eco-food production, energy and heat recovery, etc.)
- Permaculture
- Personal coaching

With offices in Canada and Belgium, and broad international network and partners, we are recognized world-wide for our specialist experience and consultancy in environmental management, technology advice, health, and eco-solutions.

Through research and interactions with universities, research institutions, and technology providers, our products offered are at the forefront of world practice.

Country: Canada

Organization Type: Consultant

Email: celinevaneeckhaute@gmail.com

Areas of Activities

Biobased materials

    Bioresource transformation


        Nutrient & Energy Cycling

          Pretreatment and processing of Biomass

            Valorisation of biomass waste streams

              Bioproducts from biomass

                Fermentation processes

                  Offer & Request

                  Consultancy and engineering on resource recovery

                  Consultancy and engineering on:
                  - Resource recovery
                  - Cradle-to-cradle recycling
                  - Waste treatment and reuse
                  - Water treatment and reuse
                  - Green energy production and recovery
                  - Nutrient recovery as renewable fertilizers
                  - Sustainable agriculture and fertilization advice
                  - Environmental process modelling
                  - Self-sufficiency sustainability (eco-building,
                  eco-food production, energy and heat
                  recovery, etc.)
                  - Permaculture
                  - Personal coaching